What is SAFE Santa Barbara County?
An alliance of movement-minded partners from a variety of sectors (philanthropy, government, business, faith community, and non-profit) united to address sex and labor trafficking in Santa Barbara County.
This alliance seeks to support SB County’s three-year Strategic Plan to combat sex and labor trafficking locally. This Strategic Plan was developed in partnership with 29 members from multiple countywide agencies, including anti-trafficking subject matter experts and a local lived experience leader (survivor). The three focus areas of the Task Force’s Strategic Plan are below.
To carry out the goals laid out in the Strategic Plan, SAFE operates a fund that receives tax-deductible donations from SAFE partners and community members and allocates those funds to qualified, vetted organizations executing the Strategic Plan goals. The organizations that receive funds are a part of the larger movement to prevent human trafficking, assist at-risk populations, and protect survivors.
In 2013, the SB County District Attorney’s Office founded the Human Trafficking Task Force under the Victim Witness Assistance Program in partnership with local and regional law enforcement, non-profit organizations, and social service agencies. As the Task Force has grown, the District Attorney's Office contracted with Kingdom Causes, Inc. (KCI) to carry out the three-year Strategic Plan to combat sex and labor trafficking and form Action Groups to achieve its goals.
The SB County Human Trafficking Task Force (HTTF) exists to develop and enhance a multidisciplinary team that implements victim-centered, collaborative, and sustainable approaches to:
Identify victims of all types of human trafficking.
Investigate and prosecute sex trafficking and labor trafficking cases at the local, state, tribal, and federal levels.
Address the individualized needs of victims/ survivors through a comprehensive array of trauma-informed services.
Each donation is tax-deductible and directly supports projects and organizations in SB County working to reduce trafficking and exploitation. When you invest in SAFE, you will receive regular updates on how funding is being used and where progress is being made! Your support of SAFE is an investment in the movement to prevent trafficking and exploitation across our county, to protect survivors and provide wraparound care and services, and so much more.
A team of subject experts and key partners evaluate and choose grantees and projects that align with the Strategic Plan goals through a deliberative, careful process.
Follow the button below to the secure giving portal. Administrated by the National Christian Foundation (NCF), the donor-advised fund provides donors a means by which to make tax-deductible gifts while providing the SAFE team a way to fund the movement.
For more ways to give, please see our Make a Gift page.